Fortune Languages Centre
Translation翻譯 / Interpretation傳譯 / Copywriting文案寫作
& Other Language Services其他語言服務
Hong Kong is an international city. High quality translations become a prerequisite for interpreting your products and services to customer groups from different countries and cultures. With FORTUNE LANGUAGES CENTRE, we are not merely dedicated to language coaching services, but strive to provide our professional Chinese, English and Japanese translation, interpretation and other language services as the bridge between you and your customers.
翻譯講求「信」(faithfulness)、「達」(expressiveness)、「雅」(elegance)。優質的翻譯與傳譯服務可以讓不同文化背景的顧客更清楚了解公司的產品及服務,為公司拓展客源。「銘言語文中心」致力於語文教學的同時,也提供各類型中文、英語及日語翻譯 / 傳譯 / 其他語言服務,希望透過語言使顧客能夠把公司的產品與服務銘記於心。
Areas for translation include 服務包括︰
Business proposal 業務計劃書
Your website 網頁翻譯
Press release 新聞稿
Newsletter and bulletin 會訊、通訊
Marketing and promotional material 市場推廣及宣傳刊物
Brochure and leaflet 小冊子、單張
Magazine and other publication 雜誌及其他出版刊物
Speech and citation 演詞、獻詞
Minutes of meeting 會議記錄
Agendum 議程
Menu 餐廳菜牌
Copywriting 文案寫作等 And more!
For quotation, please contact us by WhatsApp or email at hello@fortunelanguages.com